1 03. Configuration
luca0N\! edited this page 2021-03-22 00:13:05 -03:00


Dual requires a configuration file that should be located in cfg/gen.cfg.


The configuration file consists of namespaces (declared between brackets, like [Dual]) and namespaces contain key/value entries (key/value declarations look like Key=Value).

Comments are also supported on configuration files, and they are ignored by Dual. Lines that start with # are recognized as comments and everything on a line after # is also considered a comment.

Required namespaces and keys

The Dual namespace is required. You will declare a couple of preferences here that are going to be used by the program. They will tell what Dual should do.

Here's a list of expected keys on the Dual namespace:

  • FetchType
    • Required: no
    • Default value: Resolve
    • Description: declares how Dual should get the target IP address.
    • Available values:
      • Resolve: gets the target IP address by resolving a domain name declared in the Source value.
      • PlainText: gets the target IP address by connecting to the specified address in the Source value and reading its output as plain text.
  • Source
    • Required: yes
    • Default value: (-)
    • Description: declares either the domain name associated with the target IP address (if you are using the Resolve FetchType) or the address that Dual should connect to (if you are using the PlainText FetchType).
    • Value example:
      • Nautilus.luca0N.com (used with Resolve FetchType)
      • https://www.luca0N.com/api/dynamicIpAddress?token=139871239 (used with PlainText FetchType)
  • Target
    • Required: yes
    • Default value: (-)
    • Description: declares the custom local hostname that is going to be associated with the Source IP address.
    • Value example:
      • foobar
      • foo.bar
      • foo.bar.local