1 02. Running Dual
luca0N\! edited this page 2021-03-22 00:13:05 -03:00

Running Dual

Dual doesn't come with no graphical user interface. This means you have to run this program using a terminal.

Running Dual is very easy:

$ java -jar Dual.jar

If you are on Windows, ignore the $ bit.

And there you go!

Using a script

If you are on Linux, you can create a script to make the Dual launch process easier:

java -jar Dual.jar

Save your script with some name, like dual.sh, and make sure it's executable. To make the script executable, run the following command (assuming you are running it under the same user that owns the script):

chmod u+x dual.sh

Now you can run Dual by running your script:

$ ./dual.sh