1 01. Getting Dual
luca0N\! edited this page 2021-03-22 00:13:05 -03:00

Getting Dual

Right now, there is no official pre-compiled jar file. This means you'll have to build this program yourself.

Supported tools and environments

Dual was tested with OpenJDK 15 and Linux, but it should also work with some other versions of JDK and with Windows. If you're using another operating system, you'll need to specify a custom hosts path in the default configuration file. We'll talk about the configuration file in a future page.

Building Dual

The only way to get Dual is by compiling it yourself. Fortunately, this is not a hard task.

In order to build Dual, you'll need the following pre-requisites:

  • GNU make;
  • Java Development Kit.

Once you have these installed, all you'll have to do is run make.

Building Dual should also be possible if you import it to an IDE if you don't want to use GNU make.